Rice harvest 20.11.2010

Rice was harvested on two Nagathom outgrower farmers, who grow Phka Rumduol rice variety. These farmers were in Sasadom Commune which is near the Nagahtom rice mill. The variety is an improved seed, and is provided by the Nagathom Fund. Having an improved variety is useful for the trials since it is more consistent than local saved seed. The harvests across all the plots (3 replicates in each treatment – biochar 41.1 t/ha and control with no biochar), gave an average yield of 2.03 t ha of paddy and 2.42 t/ha of rice straw. In all cases the average was higher in the biochar amended plots – the results will be available in the project report which will be available early next year.

Rice harvest Nagathom farm 2. 20.11.2010. Photo by Mr Tan.

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